Members allowed to use courts with same household
Albany Tennis Club has released new dates and cancellations in light of the shifting sands of lockdown.
The American tournament, planned for 9 March, will now be held Tuesday, 30 March.
You will need to confirm your entry and can do so by putting your name down on the list at the club or email it to albanytennispr@manx.net.
All sessions of junior and mini tennis coaching sessions have been cancelled until further notice.
Club sessions and Friday Morning Ladies are also cancelled and the indoor court and clubhouse are strictly out of bounds.
Members are allowed to play on the outdoor courts but only with those of the same household and you're asked to use the sanitizer provided on the courts and not to mix with any other players on different courts.
The Junior Tournament for U12s and U18s has been cancelled but not yet re-scheduled.
Future dates for your diaries though: The Albany LTC will host the Isle of Man Senior Championships once again from 31 July to 8 August.