Scheme relaunched by government
Businesses on the Isle of Man could be given up to £100,000 of taxpayer backed support to make them more energy efficient.
Government is relaunching its Business Energy Saving Scheme next month.
It will be known as the Business Emissions Saving Scheme and is designed to help companies reduce carbon emissions and lower energy costs.
Increased financial assistance of between £20,000 and £100,000 is being offered as well as grant support of 75 percent of the cost of an energy audit.
Enterprise Minister Tim Johnston said: "The Business Emissions Saving Scheme has been operating for several years under previous guises supporting a range of business energy efficiency projects on Island.
"However it is important that the support offered by the department continues to adapt and evolve and, following feedback from a business survey and recent increases in energy costs, we have relaunched the scheme with a number of improvements aimed to help businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.
"By providing this scheme we are supporting the commitment from government to reduce carbon emissions by 2050 whilst also encouraging businesses to become more financially sustainable through being more energy efficient, resulting in reduced energy costs."
You can find out more HERE.