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Trial for teen accused of TT funfair assault

17-year-old will be committed to Court of General Gaol Delivery

A teenager from Douglas will stand trial after denying assaulting a man at the TT funfair.

Anthony Langley, of Peel Road, entered a not guilty plea to the offence of assault causing grievous bodily harm during an appearance at Douglas Courthouse.

He’s been accused of punching and headbutting the man, on Loch Promenade on 1 June, and breaking his nose.

The 17-year-old has also been charged with committing an act against public justice two days later.

Committal proceedings, where the case is elevated to the Court of General Gaol Delivery, will take place on 20 August; he’s been bailed until that date.

Update: At Douglas Courthouse on 20 August the teenager was committed to the Court of General Gaol. He will next appear there on 27 September.

Update: At Douglas Courthouse on 27 September Langley was jailed for one year and 11 months. You can find out more HERE.

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