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The Hosepipe Ban: What we know

Restrictions to come into force on August 3

A hosepipe ban has been issued as continued warm and dry weather has been predicted by the Met Office.

Last month amid concerns of the Island's water levels, Manx Utilities assured the public that the reservoirs were 'sufficiently stocked'. However, as of August 3 the authority will take measures to restrict the use of water.

The Ban

Under the Water Act 1991, Manx Utilities has imposed a Temporary-Use-Ban or what we typically know as a hosepipe ban. So watering in private gardens, filling paddling pools or washing cars at home through a hosepipe will be strictly prohibited. Anyone found not adhering to the restriction risks a maximum £1,000 fine.

MU Chairman Dr Alex Allinson has appealled to the Island's community spirit. 'We dont have the hosepipe police' he said 'but we're sending out a message to conserve your water and take this seriously. It's been a very, very strange summer. We're in August on the Isle of Man and there isn't a forecast of rain for three months. That's serious.'

Although the ban applies only to domestic customers and householders, businesses are being asked to 'think before you turn the tap on.'

The Forecast

The long term prediction by the Met Office indicates the current heatwave conditions are expected to go on for the forseeable future. Many comparisons have been made to the drought of 1976 which saw the Island endure one of the longest dry periods ever recorded.

This year's weather is believed to be a one in 20 year event with a further three months forecast without consistent rain.

Adrian Cowin from the Met Office in Ronaldsway said the probability of near normal rainfall from now until October is less than 40%. Significant rain, needed to top up water in the reservoirs, is not looking likely.  

The Reservoirs

In May, the Island's reservoir levels were reported to be at 100%. Now as we come into August, Baldwin is at 60% and 58% for Sulby. The ban is an effort to conserve what the MU says is the Island's 'diminished' raw water stocks.

Despite the heavy rain over the weekend, levels at West Baldwin only went up by 2%. The reservoir which supplies much of Douglas, has been subject of fascination on social media after levels depleted to reveal the remains of a village that once occupied the valley. 19 million litres of water is being pumped from Sulby in an attempt to boost the levels at Baldwin

Contingency plans are drawn up as the MU taps into the Island's unused reservoirs. Engineers are being consulted to transfer water from other reservoirs which are not currently supplying.

'Compensation Water' is something they're also trying limit. This is water released by the reservoirs into rivers and streams.

Island residents are advised to go to www.manxutilities.im/our-environment/saving-water/use-water-wisely/ for tips on saving water.

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