On Air Manx Radio Update Beth Espey | 5:00pm - 5:30pm

Strandings of small 'sprat-like fish' a natural event says DEFA

Likely chased by predators into Ramsey Bay

It's likely small fish found stranded around Ramsey Bay this morning (11 September) were pursued by predators.

That's according to the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture after it received 'several reports' about the sprat-like fish being washed up.

The department says it was most likely caused by mackerel, or other large fish and mammals, chasing them inshore saying it is a 'natural event'.

Such strandings can occur around the Irish Sea - particularly at this time of the year.

DEFA says it's not aware of any reports of pollution or hazardous events which would have caused this to happen.

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