On Air Manx Radio Update Beth Espey | 5:00pm - 5:30pm

Sinkhole discovered at the Chasms

Temporary safety barriers are in place

People visiting a footpath in the south of the Island are being encouraged to take extra care at the Chasms, where a sinkhole has been discovered.

The Department of Infrastructure has clarified it is on 'Manx National Heritage land at the Chasms, a little way from the path, on the other side of a Manx stone wall'.

Dog walkers should keep their pets on a lead and children walking in the area should be closely supervised at all times.

Temporary safety barriers are in place around the sinkhole, which is over two metres deep, although Manx National Heritage says it has potential to become larger.

It is believed to have been caused by natural erosion, potentially a result of high levels of rainfall or rockfalls beneath the ground surface weaking soil and vegetation.

Surface level studies will now be undertaken by engineers from Laxey Mines Research Group, prior to further investigations and essential works. 

The safety barriers will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

Separately, seven wartime mortars were recently disposed of between the Chasms car park and the Sound near the coastal footpath on Spanish Head. 

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