Hopes new extension to foster carer recruitment will encourage people to get involved
It's hoped a new extension to foster carer recruitment will encourage people to get involved who want to foster, but who may not have the time or ability to do so 24/7.
The Family Placement Service has been recruiting foster carers generally across the Island over the past 18 months.
However, it is now looking for people who can spare a few days or weeks at a time to support permanent carers by taking care of children for 'short breaks'.
Manx Care says 'a wider pool of foster carers would enable fostering services to be able to match the needs of each child more closely with the skills that each foster carer brings, and to find the right homes for the children who need our support'.
Fostering and Adoption Group Manager Ed Coates told Manx Radio it would enhance the work being done already by permanent foster carers across the Island:
Meanwhile, a current foster carer has shared their experience with short-break fostering with Manx Radio.
They said: "Caring for a child with additional needs and boundless energy is a 24/7 job, especially as a single carer without day-to-day support to share the load.
"This leaves me with little opportunity to socialise or participate in weekly sports. That's why respite is so important for me, it allows me to recharge, catch up with friends, and take the time I need to rest.
"I also use this time to travel and visit my family or enjoy trips with friends. Respite helps me to be the best version of myself, which is invaluable in my role as a single foster carer.
"My little one also looks forward to their mini breaks with their respite carers, and they adjust well to the change."
If you're interested in becoming a short-break foster carer, you can fill out an online enquiry form, call 01624 610000 or email familyplacementservice@gov.im to find out more.
An information session is held every two weeks - the next will be held at Murray House in Douglas on 13 November between 12pm-2pm.
Those interested in attending are asked to get in touch ahead of time.
You can hear more from Ed in our latest Newscast: