The Celtic League says news of another leak at Sellafield has highlighted the nuclear dangers on our doorstep.
On Wednesday, BNFL admitted radioactive liquid waste had leaked from the Cumbrian site.
The company says the accidental discharge of effluent was mainly water with low levels of contamination which was quickly contained.
But Bernard Moffatt of the Celtic League says lax safety procedures are still a concern.
James Davis reports (audio file attached):
In his statement, Mr Moffatt says the UK and French leaders have been meeting to discuss the future of nuclear power, including a new generation of nuclear power stations.
But he says Wednesday’s incident graphically illustrates the dangers inherent in the industry.
Mr Moffatt says while the British Nuclear Installations Inspectorate and the Environment Agency were informed of the leak, both have in the past proved inept at enforcing safety procedures.
And he says the latest in a long string of accidents at Sellafield does nothing to alleviate worries.