FOI reveals schools plastic habits
Ballakermeen sells more plastic water bottles than any other secondary school on the Island.
In total around 8,000 bottles are sold to the Island's high school pupils every week.
The Department of Education, Sport and Culture, disclosed the numbers in response to a freedom of information request.
Of the five state schools, it is Ballakermeen which makes up nearly half of the total with 3,400 bottles.
Its students goes through on average two bottles in a single week.
While fellow Douglas school St Ninians, sells just 700 a week, making it the lowest of the high schools.
Figures also show how they provide water fountains, except QEII.
While all bar Ramsey Grammar, promote the use of resuable bottles.
Last year, the government announced the plan to phase out single-use plastics across all departments, including schools.
From this month, an action is set to come into effect which will ban all 'unnecessary' items of plastic which 'can easily be replaced by sustainable alternatives.'
This includes straws, cotton buds, cutlery, plates, cups and drinks stirrers.
Also, it pledged where practical to 'establish a consistent recycling scheme across all Government Buildings'.