The Department of Infrastructure has revealed its plans for clearing roads and footways this evening (Tuesday) and overnight.
Footways are being cleared in the Laxey area, at Braddan Bridge, Noble's Hospital, Ballanard Road and Johnny Watterson's Lane, as well as the Birch Hill Estate, Peel Road, Pulrose Bridge and the area around the Brown Bobby filling station.
Carriageways are being cleared at the Governors Hill and Birch Hill estates.
A pre-treatment of the six primary 'main' routes in the north, south and east of the Island is commencing at 6.30pm.
Motorists are being advised to drive with extreme caution this evening and overnight, and not assume that roads will be free from ice, even if they have been treated.
Temperatures are again expected to fall to between -3 and -7 Celsius during the night, at which point salting is less effective.