It took five weeks to complete
The pedestrian crossing at The Roundhouse has been completed on time and on budget.
Braddan Commissioners says it has been a 'stressful' last few months and some politicians have used it to take the 'edge off' the opening of the community centre.
One of the planning requirements for the opening of the centre was for a crossing point to be installed and also follows a long running dispute between itself and the Department of Health and Social Care.
The work took five weeks to complete and could cost the local authority up £80,000.
Chairman of Braddan Commissioners, Andrew Jessopp said: “It's great to have a slightly light hearted approach to this matter but the last few months have been quite stressful for us.
"We always knew that a crossing was part of the planning conditions for our new community centre, however initially, we were led to believe that a simple zebra crossing would be sufficient. The Department of Infrastructure then instructed us that we required a more costly puffin crossing and it’s a shame that some politicians took it as an opportunity to take the edge of the commissioners Roundhouse project which really wasn’t helpful to the authority, our tenants, our parishioners and users of the facility.
"We do appreciate the help of the staff from the DoI Highway Services Section who assisted in this project, and Watling Street Works who provided the temporary signs that actually allowed the Commissioners to comply with the planning condition and in particular open the nursery.
"Thankfully the building is open and growing from strength to strength with some fantastic events already been held and great plans for the future.”