Parking suspensions and one-way traffic section return
Roadworks will return to Douglas Promenade later this month.
It's so work can be finished on the red concrete corridor down the centre of the highway.
Work will start on Monday, 14 March on the first section of Queens Promenade.
Parking will be suspended there on both sides and traffic will use the landside under traffic lights.
Work will be carried out in 300m sections up to Central Promenade - this phase is expected to take around 12 days to carry out.
Then, from Sunday, 27 March, works will then take place from Harris Promenade up to Loch Promenade for around five days.
During this, there will be a one-way northbound route for traffic between Victoria Street and Broadway.
Parking will also be suspended along both sides of Loch Promenade but spaces will be available on the walkway whilst these works take place.