On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

Roads latest

Snow and ice continue to cause some problems around the Island.

The Mountain Road remains closed as do the following roads:-

Brandywell, Injebreck, Druidale, Tholt-y-Will, Glen Mooar, Shoulder Road plus all routes leading up to it and the Ronague Road.

In addition, Crellin's Hill and Mona Drive in Douglas are closed due to sheet ice.

All will be inspected at 5pm, apart from the Shoulder Road which is to remain shut until at least 11am tomorrow.

However, the airport is opened on time this morning - good news for passengers hoping to join their families either on or off-Island for Christmas.

The footbridge between the Manx Museum and Chester Street car park has been closed because of sheet ice.

Manx National Heritage say they've run out of grit.

Parking on Loch promenade is open again, though.

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