Political member insists those over threshold can still be considered
A new 'Energy Efficiency Scheme' has been unveiled by the government, which looks to give residents up to £750 worth of materials to make their homes more economically viable.
Materials available as part of the scheme include loft insulation rolls, LED lights, water tank jackets, and self-adhesive window seals.
The scheme is open to both private and public sector tenants, but despite the eligibility requirements set out, a political member insists they will consider those who exceed the thresholds.
Provided nobody in your household earns more than £31,876 each year, you are eligible under the scheme.
However, if a family of four all earned exactly £31,876, that would give them a total household income of more than £127,504 - they would be eligible.
But, if a couple have a combined income of more than £50,000 and one member of that household earns more than £31,876 - they wouldn't be able to claim.
So, how is it the couple can be around £77,000 worse off than the family of four and still be ineligible?
That's a question Manx Radio's Christian Jones put to political member of the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture MHK Dr Michelle Haywood:
Residents claiming the following benefits are eligible to apply:
- Attendance allowance
- Carer’s allowance
- Disability living allowance
- Employed person’s allowance
- Income support
- Short term incapacity benefit or long term incapacity benefit
- Income based jobseekers allowance
- Child benefit at the full rate, equating to £24.20 per week
- A war disablement pension
A further £500 can be applied for to assist with the installation of any materials if residents are in receipt of: