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Report reveals latest bathing water standards

Three new designated bathing waters approved elsewhere

A government report has revealed four Island beaches 'did not meet the minimum standard of sufficient' when analysed over the 2023 season.

As part of its Department Plan and Government's Island Plan, the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture committed to reviewing the non-designated bathing waters.

To calculate an end of season classification for designated bathing waters, a minimum of 16 samples are required and four years’ worth of data.

The non-designated bathing waters surrounding the Island were therefore monitored on a four weekly basis and for the 2023 season this worked out as six samples. 

This allowed an end of season classification to be determined.

This analysis found that Douglas Summerhill, Fenella, Laxey and Peel beaches did not meet the minimum standard of sufficient.

Port Grenaugh was classified as 'sufficient'.

Douglas Broadway, Port Lewaigue and Port Soderick were classified as 'good'.

And Derbyhaven as 'excellent'.

Only one year's worth of data is available for Fisher's Hill and Port Skillion, so no classification can be made for these locations.

All of the locations classified as 'good' or 'excellent' could seek designation in the future, subject to discussions with Manx Utilities regarding the sewerage infrastructure.


Elsewhere, the report analyses beaches already designated as official bathing waters.

The Isle of Man has eight designated bathing waters under Europe’s highest water quality standards.

The designation means that a body of water has been identified as a bathing location because it meets the mandatory quality standards and will be monitored for faecal indicator organisms (FIO) specifically Escherichia coli (EC) and Intestinal Enterococci (IE) during the bathing season.

DEFA found that North Ramsey, Glen Wyllin and Port Erin's water quality has improved from 'good' to 'excellent' over the past year.

The designated bathing waters on Island currently are: Bay ny Carrickey, Castletown, Douglas Central, South Ramsey, North Ramsey, Glen Wyllin, Port Erin and Port St Mary.

Three new designated bathing waters were approved for the 2023 bathing season and as such bathing water profiles, signage and additional monitoring was undertaken for these locations. 

The new bathing waters were Glen Wyllin, North Ramsey and Bay ny Carrickey.

You can find the 2023 Bathing Water Report in full HERE.

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