On Air After Hours Rhian Evans | 10:00pm - Midnight

Rare opportunity to visit Knox cottage in Cronkbourne


There's another chance today to look inside the house where renowned Manx artist Archibald Knox was born, as his 150th anniversary year draws to a close.

Large numbers of people visited the cottage in Cronkbourne in October when it was opened to the public on two Fridays.

Now Braddan commissioners have decided to open the property  once more, for those unable to attend on a week day.

And they're encouraging anyone with stories, memories or personal items relating to Knox, to bring them along.

Braddan Commissioners have celebrated the 150th anniversary of one of their most famous residents throughout 2014.

The opening of the cottage where Archibald Knox was born proved a highlight - and saw past residents of the village regale staff with stories from their time living there.

Some had family who knew or were taught by Knox, one still had a school art book personalised by him 

The opportunity to capture those conversations was missed, but  Commissioners' clerk Colin Whiteway aims to put that right this time, and record stories and memories for posterity. 

The cottage will be open today (13 Dec) between 10am and 4pm.


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