New street signs and tourist accommodation also on the agenda
Port Erin Commissioners met last night and discussed a number of issues affecting the village.
First on the agenda was an update about the planning application on the former Ocean Castle Hotel site for 38 apartments.
The clerk at Port Erin Commissioners, Jason Roberts, said he had received a section 13 agreement from the developers, which gives the local authority control over any open space or a ‘commuted sum’ if it’s not provided.
He confirmed to the board it would be receiving £15,000 from the developer ‘in lieu’ of public open space, whilst the government will receive £442,168 instead of ‘affordable housing’.
He also said the application is being appealed, but had not been given any other information.
Two other tourist accommodation planning applications were considered by the board.
One was supported unanimously by the board because the house is owned by a family on the Island and is lived in part of the year and would be rented out when not in use.
The other was supported by four votes to two.
Commissioner Hannah Mackenzie said the board should still consider those applications on a case-by-case basis.
But government guidance provided to the board said the applications for tourist accommodation would only be rejected if it would have a direct consequence on the local community.
The board agreed to request that planning should take into consideration whether the site asking for tourist use could be used instead for residential purposes.
Also on the agenda were new designs for street signs in the village.
The commissioners agreed to change the existing signs to make the Manx translation bigger and in italics, whilst keeping the commissioner’s logo for ‘consistency’ with other areas in the south.
The board also agreed to make a £50 donation to two charities in memory of former Arbory and Rushen Commissioner David Radcliffe.
It was agreed that he had done a lot for the community in the south and the money would go towards Beach Buddies and the Isle of Man Woodland Trust.