Plans include installation of fire exit
A planning application has been submitted to refurbish part of the Sea Terminal in Douglas.
The Department of Infrastructure wants to refurbish existing high-level balustrading at flat roof level over the building's arrivals and departure corridor, replace the old leaking flat roof coverings and install a new fire escape staircase from roof level to ground level.
This will involve relocating the existing staircase enclosure from behind the stair tower on Victoria Pier to in front of the stair tower.
Some car parking spaces will also need to be moved forward to avoid the new stair enclosure.
As is the case with all planning applications, any person may make written representations to the Department about this application at any time before it is determined.
Representations can be submitted to the Department by email, post or online at www.gov.im/planningcomment.
All written submissions will be published.