Residential development would be located in Andreas
A planning application (22/01485/B) has been submitted by Keldevelopments Limited to build 31 new homes.
The residential development, which would also see the construction of associated roads, plots, drainage and open space proposals would be based in Andreas.
It would take up part of field 121388 and the former Dale Nurseries site on Oatlands Road, approximately 600m from Andreas village centre.
The majority of proposed houses have been located to the northern boundary of the site - which is furthest away from Oatlands Road - so as to be less visually intrusive when viewed from the highway.
The buildings have also been sited so as to create a varied street scene with no fixed building line, buildings set at right angles to each other and a variety of building forms including terraces, semi-detached link-detached and detached dwellings and bungalows.
A number of trees are highlighted as perhaps being affected by the development, and were surveyed in March 2020 to support an initial application.
Since that application was approved, most of the tree removal proposed under the approved application has been undertaken.
Some existing trees are to be felled as part of the proposed development there are native trees proposed to be planted along with new Manx sod hedges and native boundary planting/screening to ensure the successful integration of the development within the wider landscape context.
The application states that "as mitigation for losing two mature trees within the site it is proposed to plant four long lived trees. These have been discussed at length with Charles Harrison, Arboricultural officer at DEFA".