A controversial scheme, which will see convicted drink drivers paying for their own rehabilitation course, is being introduced this month.
In July, Tynwald supported the principal of charging people £60, although it was not unanimously approved.
The course is staged about four times a year and can take eight people at a time.
Edward Oldham reports:
Of the 56 convicted drink drivers who have attended the course in the last two years - Probation Service records show no one has been convicted a second time for driving with excess alcohol.
It is presented by a qualified Drug and Alcohol Education officer with input from the Road Policing Unit, and the Fire and Rescue and Ambulance services, and covers subjects such as blood/alcohol concentrations, legal drink driving limits and the effect of alcohol on people.
Home Affairs Minister, Martyn Quayle, says the fee will offset the admin and delivery costs, and given the Manx summary courts have indicated rehabilitation courses are likely to be used more in the future, the cost contribition would take the strain off the government's purse.