Alternatives for pension & benefit payments available
A number of government offices have been closed as the Island enters its second lockdown.
The Treasury’s Rates public counter on the first floor of Government Offices, Buck’s Road, Douglas, has been closed until and including 31 January to protect the welfare of customers and staff.
Customers should instead pay outstanding balances by using Online Services at services.gov.im/rates-payments/ or by calling 685661.
You're asked not to send any cash payments by post.
If you have any difficulties with the methods of payment above, please contact the Rates team by using the preferred forms of communication are set out below:
Post: Rates Team, 1st Floor Government Office, Buck’s Road, Douglas, IM1 3PU.
Call: 01624 685661, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
General enquiries: rates.treasury.gov.im
Also closed until and including 31 January is the Custom & Excise public counter on North Quay in Douglas.
Online services can be used to render VAT returns and payments as normal.
If you are not already registered as a user of the Online VAT Services you can register at https://services.gov.im/customs-excise or alternatively contact 648100 and officers will assist you in this process.
Customers can pay any outstanding balances either by using Online Tax Services at www.gov.im/onlineservices or by calling 648100.
If you are unable to make payment by either of these methods please do so by posting a cheque payable to ‘Isle of Man Government’. Do not send any cash payments by post.
If you have any enquiries relating to your customs, excise and VAT affairs, or require any assistance in paying your bill, please call 648100 and officers will be available to help you.
Details of preferred forms of communication are set out below:
Post: Customs & Excise Division, Custom House, North Quay, Douglas, IM99 1AG
Call: 01624 648100, Mon-Friday 8.30am-4.30pm.
Online: gov.im/customs-and-excise
General enquiries: customs.generalemail@gov.im
Government has also announced the closure of Social Security reception areas on the ground floor of Markwell House in Douglas and in Ramsey Town Hall until and including 31 January 2021.
Queries can be emailed to socialsecurity@gov.im or customers can call the Social Security enquiries number, 685656.
New claims to all benefits can be submitted electronically or by post.
People who receive their state pensions or benefits at a Post Office using their MiCard are reminded that they can be paid direct into their bank account instead. This facility is now available for all benefit types.
Anyone who is currently getting their benefits or pensions by MiCard who would like to transfer to having direct payments to their bank account should call 685176, 685098 or 685054.
Details of preferred forms of communication are set out below:
Post: Social Security Division, Markwell House, Market Street, Douglas, IM1 2RZ
Call: 01624 685656, Mon-Thurs 9am-5.30pm; Friday 9am-5pm.
Online: www.gov.im/socialsecurity
MERA: email mera@gov.im, call 648125.
General Enquiries: email socialsecurity@gov.im, call 685656
The Income Tax public counter on the second floor of Government Office has been closed until and including 31 January 2021 to protect the welfare of customers and staff.
Given the closure of the counter facility, customers should pay any outstanding balances either by using Online Tax Services at www.gov.im/onlineservices or by calling 685400 (option 1).
If you are unable to make payment by either of these methods please do so by posting a cheque payable to ‘Isle of Man Government’. Do not send any cash payments by post.
Details of preferred forms of communication are set out below:
Post: income Tax Division, Government Office, Buck’s Road, Douglas, IM1 3TX
Call: 01624 685400, Mon-Thurs; 9am-5.30pm; Friday 9am - 5pm
Online: www.gov.im/incometax
General enquiries: incometax@itd.treasury.gov.im
Employers: AdminSection.itd@gov.im, ThirdParties.ITD@gov.im
National Insurance: nationalinsurance.itd@gov.im