But DESC Minister confirms regional pools can apply for funding
A new scheme which will allow children free access to the swimming pool at the National Sports Centre has been branded a ‘postcode lottery’.
Earlier this week the Department of Education, Sport and Culture announced children would be able to swim for free - after school – at the NSC for five months from 31 October.
It’s making the Douglas venue a ‘warm hub’ between 4.30pm and 7pm – with youngsters given full access to the leisure pool and other pools when they are free.
One parent or guardian can accompany a primary school child for free – those who are eight and over can attend by themselves.
Minister Julie Edge said: “This move will give children access to a warm and welcoming space after school, where they can exercise, socialise and get a hot shower, while lessening the burden of home energy costs for their families.”
She told Manx Radio there would be other benefits too:
Whilst the initiative has been welcomed by many some people have criticised the plan – one parent told Manx Radio not opening up provision in the north, west or south shows ‘only Douglas matters’.
It’s a criticism we put to the minister:
Juan McGuinness is a Ramsey Commissioner and the chair of the Northern Local Authorities Swimming Pool Board.
He’s told Manx Radio he feels the minister’s comments are only ‘part-true’ and says not having one all-Island initiative is a ‘missed opportunity’:
Manx Radio has approached the southern and western regional swimming pools for comment.