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No evidence of  invasive worm species in Peel Marina.

Samples taken and analysed

There's no evidence of an invasive worm species on vessels in Peel Marina.

The Department of Environment, with help from Manx Wildlife Trust, has taken samples on two occasions this year following reports from the public.

However, they were not consistent with the invasive Australian tube worm, (Ficopomatus enigmaticus), as they lacked characteristic features and instead it was concluded that they were native tube worms.

DEFA says it will continue to respond to requests to help identify unusual or potentially invasive species, but does rely on reporting from the public and DoI Harbours, which manages harbour and marina areas.
The advice to boat owners is they should always take time to check and clean their vessels during annual maintenance, and especially after travelling to new places, or areas known to be at risk from invasive species.

A statement to Manx Radio says harbour officers are always on hand when boats are removed from the water and should be informed of such concerns, which will then be passed on to DEFA for investigation.

Further information about invasive species and local biosecurity can be found HERE and at the Manx Wildlife Trust.

Reports of potential invasive species, with good quality images, can also be sent to fisheries@gov.im

Invasive species and biosecurity can present serious economic costs, with the total annual cost to the British economy estimated at approximately £1.7 billion.

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