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MNFU says confidence in Meat Plant management has hit rock bottom

Union says it has 'no confidence' in Isle of Man Meats Ltd

Confidence in the Isle of Man Meat Plant's ability to service the industry, retailers and consumers has hit rock bottom and the 'once excellent' reputation of Manx meat has all but been destroyed.

That's the message from the Manx National Farmers' Union which has written to the chairman, managing director and board of Isle of Man Meats saying it has ‘no confidence’.

The open letter, dated 19 August, claims the consequences of what the union calls the 'continued mismanagement’ of Isle of Man Meats can no longer be borne by the industry. 

Signed by General Secretary Sarah Comish the letter adds the MNFU holds the board ‘directly accountable’ for the ‘disastrous impact’ that so-called poor management is having on local producers.

It reads: Frequent cancellations and delays have continued to increase.

“Whether by accident or design reducing intake forces farms to either hold stock far longer than they can afford to or export.

“This intensifies pressure on local trade as confidence ebbs, and the knock-on effect is evident, negatively impacting other industries and organisations that provide services to the plant and agricultural sector.

“The stress on individual producers and businesses is already having an impact.

“The situation is rapidly declining and the ongoing repercussions of this will be felt for a long time.”

The MNFU says trade customers struggle to have orders fulfilled and have needed to seek products from elsewhere.

Isle of Man Meats is also accused of ‘ignoring the opportunities’ for Manx meat and says ‘significant quantities’ of product have been disposed with ‘questionable excuses as to why’.

The union says it’s vital that the Meat Plant is kept open and functions well but adds the ‘change programme’ has not delivered and rather has had the ‘opposite effect’ of causing ‘further depredation of service’.

The letter continues: “Levels of communication are abysmal.

“Refusal to meet with the industry at an Island wide producer forum, called for last February, and lack of acknowledgement of the now dire situation is appalling.

“Confidence in the plant’s ability to service the industry, the retailers and consumers has now hit rock bottom.

“As representatives of a government subsidised facility the board of Isle of Man Meats Ltd have a serious responsibility to deliver a good quality service to the industry and the people of the Isle of Man.

“This is not being afforded the gravitas it urgently needs.

“Under the stewardship of the board the once excellent reputation of Manx meat has all but been destroyed.

“The lack of accountability, both for these impacts and for the cost to the taxpayer, amounts to a dereliction of duty.”

Manx Radio has contacted Isle of Man Meats Limited for a response.

The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture has confirmed it’s received the letter.

It told Manx Radio: “The department has had regular open conversations with the MNFU and look forward to discussing the specific matters raised in the letter with them directly.

“DEFA is committed to working with the chair, board, producers, customers and all stakeholders to ensure we can see improvements at the abattoir.

“The department also notes the chair and board have sought to make improvements in the abattoir’s practices and processes but the performance of the abattoir in recent times has been challenging.

“Like everyone else on the Island we want to have an abattoir on this Island that is efficient, financially solvent, professional and ultimately delivers the sort of service that producers and customers expect and deserve.” 

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