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Mixed news from ASDA about Queenies


A UK supermarket chain has revealed its worries about the future of the Island’s queen scallop fishery.


ASDA has released its latest wild fisheries annual review, which details all the fish it sells, how it’s caught and how sustainable it is.


Listed among its products are queenies bought from the Isle of Man – and there’s mixed news.


Although the company’s report notes our queenie fishery is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council, it also says it has concerns about the impact fishing has on the sea floor.


The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership carried out the research for ASDA, with scores out of ten for five questions concerning fishing.


The Isle of Man gets eight out of ten for its precautionary fishing strategy, and full marks for following scientific advice.


But when asking whether stocks are healthy, queenies scored just seven out of ten.


And worse news – the fisheries score less than six out of ten for their future health.

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