Department of Community, Culture and Leisure minister Graham Cregeen has defended price hikes on the Island's buses.
Mr Cregeen says fare rises across the board are 'unfortunate' but insists the service still gives value for money.
The price of a bus ticket will rise by 20 per cent for shorter journeys and six per cent on long trips from this weekend, an average rise of 14 per cent.
The increases will see the cost of a three stop bus ride go up from 50p to 60p and the longest 'Band F' journey from £3.20 to £3.40.
Prices of child and return fares will increase in line with adult single single fares and the price of a 12 journey Manx Rider ticket will also rise.
Mr Cregeen says fares haven't gone up for two years and his department could not put off increases any longer: