There's a chance to quiz the candidates standing in next week's North Douglas by-election this evening.
It will be the first public debate of the campaign, bringing together on one platform Ralph Peake, David Ashford and Maire Booth.
The constituents of North Douglas go to the polls next Thursday (21 May) to fill the seat left vacant by Bill Henderson, who has been elected to Tynwald's upper chamber the Legislative Council.
The candidates will outline their key policies and priorities and take questions from the floor.
Tonight's requisition meeting at Willaston Methodist Church Hall will be chaired Ramsey MHK Leonard Singer.
Another by-election will be held on Thursday (May 21st) in South Douglas, for the Keys seat formerly held by David Cretney, who has also moved to LegCo.
There'll be a requisition meeting in the constituency next Tuesday (May 19th).