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Manx Care claims threats have been made 'towards the lives' of staff

Says 'level of vitriol' over cost-saving mitigations is 'unacceptable'

Manx Care says it will be reporting people who’ve made ‘threats towards the lives of specific individuals’ within the organisation to police.

It claims the ‘level of vitriol’ directed, in particular to ‘senior leaders’ is ‘unacceptable’ and will ‘not be tolerated’.

It follows a Freedom of Information response which saw the Department of Health and Social Care’s financial plan for the next year published.

The plan included a table showing potential money-saving ideas – including stopping surgery for patients with a BMI over 30 and introducing charges for GP appointments - which had been compiled.

(The table included in the DHSC financial plan which was released as part of a Freedom of Information request)

Following its publication the DHSC minister told Manx Radio the wrong table had been included with the FOI response – you can hear more from Lawrie Hooper HERE.

Manx Radio asked for an updated version of the table, as referenced by Mr Hooper, but is yet to receive it.

“As an organisation we aim to be transparent and open about the challenges we face and the way we operate. We will continue to do this, and would invite members of the public who wish to discuss any headlines with us to contact us directly and have a conversation either face to face or on the phone based on accurate facts, rather than via social media.” – Manx Care

Manx Care says it was instructed to produce the list of potential mitigations, in June last year, in order to achieve financial balance after predicting an £8.7 million budget shortfall in this financial year.

In a statement issued today the health body adds: “Many of these were difficult and unpalatable mitigations centred around pausing or reducing the provision of some services, looking at the feasibility of introducing parking charges at Noble’s Hospital, considering the potential for charging for face-to-face and home visit GP appointments or attendances at the Emergency Department (Noble’s) or Minor Injuries Unit (Ramsey) on a means tested basis, pausing operations on patients with a BMI in excess of 30 (where clinically appropriate to do so) and reviewing eligibility criteria for some services, for example Non-Emergency Patient Transfer.

“Such mitigations, whilst extreme and unpalatable, do exist in other jurisdictions and other health and care systems as means of controlling costs.

“The list of mitigations was reviewed by the boards of both Manx Care and the DHSC with Manx Care having the ultimate responsibility for any decision to implement these measures.

“At a meeting held in early July the Manx Care Board agreed that no mitigation involving charging patients for the provision of clinical services or appointments would be considered or recommended.”

Manx Radio invited the chief executive Teresa Cope to be interviewed – the request was declined.

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