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Locals top arrest tally over TT fortnight

111 residents arrested compared to 45 visitors

Local people accounted for more than half of all arrests made by police over TT.

Statistics show 111 residents were arrested between 28 May and 12 June compared to 45 visitors.

The most common reasons for arrest included being drunk and disorderly, common assault and driving whilst over the limit.

Thirty-one people were arrested in total for being drunk and disorderly – 26 local people and five visitors – and five were arrested for being drunk and incapable – two locals and three visitors.  

Six residents were picked-up for possession of class A drugs, compared to three visitors, and seven were arrested for causing criminal damage compared to one visitor.

Police also issued 223 endorsable fixed penalty notices over the fortnight – the majority of which were handed to visitors.

Ninety-nine tourists were caught exceeding the speed limit compared to 60 locals.

Nineteen people were seriously injured on the Island’s roads and 15 people received slight injuries - there were no fatalities on open roads during TT 2022.

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