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Jurby airport expansion: Who knew what?

A flowchart mapping out the "Isle of Man Airport Masterplan" was debated and voted through Tynwald

Government's highest level decision-making body, the Council of Ministers, was made aware of the Isle of Man Airport Masterplan which detailed Jurby Airfield as a 'contingency' space in March 2023.

It was also aware of plans to alter the airport provision in the north in March 2024.

However it remains unclear when plans to develop the map proposing an expansion of Jurby Airfield were given the go-ahead, which would've been included within the Draft North and West Area Plan.

In July, a map was discovered as part of the public inquiry into the Draft Area Plan for the North and West which showed where a site the size of Liverpool John Lennon Airport could be created, by extending the current Jurby Airfield runway by 2.5km.

Source: Cabinet Office, Isle of Man Government

If the additional land was required it would've been acquired by government via compulsory purchase orders.

These proposals have been withdrawn, but it caused uproar among residents with public meetings being held and threats to fight back.

The 'Masterplan'

A paper titled "Isle of Man Airport: Future Form and Function" was received by CoMin on 9 March 2023 and shared with all Tynwald members ahead of a debate in April 2023.

The document is 139-pages long but only mentions Jurby once - by way of earmarking it as a 'contingency' as part of the masterplan's strategic actions.

Source: Department of Infrastructure, Isle of Man Government

Douglas Central MHK Chris Thomas brought the motion forward whilst he was the infrastructure minister.

This motion was seconded by Chief Minister Alfred Cannan who is the constituency MHK for Ayre and Michael of which Jurby is part of.

Tim Johnston - who is the other Ayre and Michael MHK - voted in support of the motion alongside Mr Cannan.

Mr Johnston insists: "Neither myself, or to my knowledge, any of the department's political members have received a briefing or considered any of the matters [now withdrawn airport proposals put forward in the Draft North and West Area Plan]."

Infrastructure Minister Tim Crookall says: "The masterplan has been discussed in various forums.

"Officers from the Department of Infrastructure attended the 9 March 2023 meeting of CoMin at which the Function, Future and Form report was considered."

What does 'contingency' mean?

Manx Radio understands that when Tynwald members were briefed on the 'Future Form and Function' report, there was no mention of annexing off extra land to extend the runway at Jurby and the only reason Ronaldsway could become unviable is if sea levels rose.

This explanation is in line with comments made by the Airport Director Gary Cobb: "There are a range of different climate change risks that could impact air connectivity in the future at Ronaldsway, such that having a contingency option would be prudent to safeguard for."

Cabinet Office Political Member Diane Kelsey MLC says: "Under ‘Comments from the Isle of Man Airport’, the Department of Infrastructure raised the issue of the Jurby airfield safeguarding area in its October 2022 submission to the public consultation on the Draft Area Plan for the North and West."

Considerations of future development of Jurby Airfield are discussed within the Isle of Man Strategic Plan 2016.

However, that plan says Jurby Airfield is "vested in the Department of Transport", despite that government department being dissolved in April 2010, and all of its operations being adopted within the newly formed Department of Infrastructure.

The document does say "there is no current plan to develop Jurby Airfield for other aviation purposes" but sets out a policy that states "the need for the creation of a new airport and airfield facilities including new private airstrips on farmland, will be balanced against the environmental impact of such development."

In response to concerns raised to the Cabinet Office following publication of the Draft North and West Area Plan which displayed a runway extension at Jurby Airfield, Ronaldsway Airport Director Gary Cobb says: "The current runway at Ronaldsway is bound by the A5 and the sea which makes extending it near impossible".

However, he continues to say: "The Department of Infrastructure has no plan to build a new airport at Jurby."

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan has told Manx Radio: "I support the continued requirement for the DOI to produce an updated Airport Masterplan" but says "Jurby has been listed as a contingency for as long as I can remember."

Mr Cannan insists Jurby's airport proposals were not initially included in the Draft Plan.

However, the Council of Ministers was in possession of the map which displayed a blueprint for extending Jurby's runway since 14 March 2024.

According to the Isle of Man Government website, the Council of Ministers is the highest-level decision-making body within the government.

Its purpose is to set national and international policy, consider issues of critical national importance and provide clear leadership to the Departments, Offices and Statutory Boards which make up the Government.

Manx Radio is seeking additional clarification about which government body approved the preparation of the map which considered a possible extension to Jurby Airfield's runway.


Manx Radio's Political Correspondent Phil Gawne sat down with Christian Jones to discuss further:

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