Home Affairs Minister says it won't impact department's budget
It's hoped a pay increase for police officers on the Island will help tackle recruitment and retention issues.
The starting salary for constables is increasing by 12 percent to over £32,000.
During the Isle of Man Constabulary's most recent recruitment campaign there were only three successful candidates of the 40 who applied.
One of those has already left for employment elsewhere.
An interim measure - a one-off payment of £3,000 per officer - was put in place last year while the annual pay uplift was agreed and other options were considered.
Now the first three bands on the police scale are being removed meaning all constables will now start on £32,163 - around a £3,600 increase.
Chief Constable Russ Foster said: "I really welcome the support of the Department of Home Affairs to uplift the starting pay for constables on the lower end of the pay scale and in turn make the pay for police officers more comparable with other emergency services and criminal justice partners.
"We will be kick starting our recruitment process in earnest and majoring on the benefits of joining the IOMC and I really welcome applications from people who are interested in keeping the Isle of Man a safe place to live, work, socialise and visit.”
In the last financial year the Department of Home Affairs had to ask Tynwald for more money to cope with its overspend.
But Minister Jane Poole-Wilson says this pay increase won't affect this year's budget: