Island at vanguard of new temperate rainforest project
A new project to restore and expand temperate rainforests here on the Isle of Man can be used to inspire environmental work across the UK and beyond.
That's from Liz Bonnin, wildlife TV presenter and president of The Wildlife Trusts.
Work here on the Island will be spearheaded by Manx Wildlife Trust and the Isle of Man Woodland Trust.
The ambitious programme, backed by UK charity The Wildlife Trusts will see rainforests restored and expanded in areas where they used to grow along the damper, western climes of the British Isles.
The first two sites identified are Creg y Cowin in the Isle of Man and Bryn Ifan in North Wales.
Liz told Manx Radio the co-operation between government, corporate and experts seen in the project here on the Island should inspire those elsewhere: