Gift is inlaid with peregrine falcons made from recycled silver
A handcrafted wooden bowl is to be gifted to Their Majesties King Charles – Lord of Mann – and Queen Camilla, on behalf of the people of the Isle of Man.
The 52cm bowl, designed and made by Manx artists is inlaid with peregrine falcons made from recycled silver and will reflect the King's passion for the environment and traditional craftsmanship.
It also has a Manx toast engraved which translates to wishing the Royal couple ‘health and peace and length of life and happiness for ever’.
Nature inspired artist Graham Hall shaped the bowl at his studio in Grenaby from a fallen Elm found in woodland near Tynwald Hill.
For the Coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 the Island gifted two silver peregrine falcons, which are at Balmoral.
Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK, who will represent the Isle of Man alongside the Lieutenant Governor at Saturday’s Coronation, said: “On behalf of the people of the Isle of Man, we want to convey our sincere and warm wishes, to Their Majesties.
“We hope this gift reflects the King’s love of the environment and celebrates our Island, a proud UNESCO Biosphere.”