On Air Manx Radio Breakfast Ben Hartley | 6:00am - 9:00am

IoM not immune to issues of exploitation and modern slavery

Picture credit: One World Centre

Charity calls for specific legislation to be introduced to tackle issues

The Isle of Man is not immune to the issues of exploitation and modern slavery.

That’s the view of the One World Centre which has launched a new campaign urging people to be vigilant to the issues.

Posters will be displayed in public areas which will signpost people to help and support.

In 2022 the charity invited modern slavery consultant Robin Brierley to speak to Tynwald, and the public, about the issue.

Coordinator Wendy Shimmin says: “The term modern slavery is not very well understood.

It encompasses many different types of exploitation including ‘county lines’ where young people are recruited into ferrying drugs or the proceeds of crime, sexual exploitation, people trafficking and domestic servitude.

Although we all think of the Isle of Man as a small and safe place to live, we know there is a risk of exploitation taking place in any community.

Our campaign aims to raise awareness and signpost any vulnerable people – or those concerned about others – to sources of help.

We can all be vigilant to the signs and we hope that local businesses and organisations will support us by displaying our posters in public areas so they get the maximum visibility.

She told Manx Radio more could be done to protect people on the Island:

Julie Gibney, Assistant Director for Children and Families for Manx Care, says: “As members of the Isle of Man community we all need to take responsibility and be aware of the potential risks.

Perpetrators of exploitation are gifted at identifying what children, young people or members of the community who are in difficulty need at any particular time.

They will use this knowledge to manipulate, control and exploit.

We need to be vigilant and, by raising awareness through this campaign, we hope to enable individuals to identify and raise any concerns with the relevant agency.

Detective Inspector Samuel Cannell says: “Whilst the Isle of Man enjoys an enhanced level of safety that naturally comes with being an Island it’s really important that as a community we understand that we’re not impermeable to exploitation and modern day slavery.

We often know members of our own community who are in difficult situations, whether that be financial or otherwise and may be at risk of, or actively being exploited by others.

We all have a responsibility to keep our island as safe as it can be so that we can continue to enjoy the quality of life we do.

The constabulary is working hard to target harden our borders and we are deeply invested in safeguarding through multi-agency partnership work to tackle exploitation on the island, protect vulnerable people, reduce harm and tackle criminality that comes with this devastating and far-reaching type of offending.

If you are concerned about exploitation or modern slavery you can contact Isle of Man Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or Manx Care on 686179 or 685969.

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