Manx Radio asks whose responsibility it is to help the retail sector thrive
How can we keep the high street alive?
It's not a new question that's being asked and the Isle of Man certainly isn't alone in asking it.
But since the start of the year numerous retail businesses have announced they're closing or changing the way they operate.
Yasmin's Baby Boutique, in Douglas, is one place trying to adapt to the changing market by closing its physical shop to focus on its online one.
Owner Jade Thomas says it means she can use her shop space as a photography studio now instead:
Government is bringing its Local Economy Strategy to Tynwald next week (21 January) hoping to revitalise the hospitality, retail and leisure sectors on the Island.
But is it too little too late?
Amy Griffiths has been to Business Isle of Man, which wrote the strategy, and has been speaking to Chief Executive Tim Cowsill, Chair Steve Pickett, and political member Diane Kelsey MLC:
If approved, the Local Economy Strategy will earmark £2.4 million to high streets across the Island.
Should it be solely government's responsibility to keep the high street alive though?
Valerie Miller runs Mother T's gift shop in Laxey and says we all have a part to play: