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Housing: 'There needs to be a fundamental change' says MHK

Ramsey Commissioner expresses frustration at 'inability to move forward'

The chair of the Housing and Communities Board admits there needs to be a fundamental change in the next two years in what the public is seeing government achieve.

David Ashford says there is a lot of activity internally to tackle housing issues but accepts that's not necessarily being seen by the average person in the street.

Mr Ashford, who is a Douglas North MHK, told Manx Radio he understands the frustration of seeing undeveloped sites:

Ramsey Commissioner Juan McGuinness claims progress on social and affordable housing has stalled saying there is an ‘inability to move forward’.

He recently submitted a Freedom of Information request seeking information about future plans for social housing.

Mr McGuinness believes there is a ‘complete lack of communication’ and an ‘inability to move forward’:

You can hear the full interview in this episode of Perspective HERE.

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