Precaution taken because of Coronavirus threat
There are no confirmed cases of Coronavirus on the Island according to figures released yesterday by Public Health Isle of Man.
There have been 29 tests carried out which have all proved to be negative - that's 4 more than 24 hours earlier.
Hospice Isle of Man has cancelled it's adult drop in services at the Strang facility with immediate effect due to the threat of COVID-19.
The Fatigue and Breathlessness and Singing for Lung Health group sessions at Ramsey Town Hall are also cancelled until further notice.
The Hospice says: "Our care is of upmost importance to us and we are in contact with patients to offer our services in a community setting where possible."
"At present none of our other services are affected, however as this is a rapidly evolving situation please visit out website for regular updates regarding our services -"
"We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause."