Manx Lottery Trust award fund to educate young students
A local housing charity has been awarded £30,000 to fund a new training and support officer for two years.
The money, from the Manx Lottery Trust, has been received by Housing Matters, a charity that works to reduce homelessness.
The new role will be performed by Lucie Tomkinson, who'll deliver a 'Peer Education' programme to educate students about the reality of leaving home at a younger age.
The number of young people becoming homeless is a particular worry for Housing Matters. A growing number leave home without planning and support.
Lucie Tomkinson's role will also deliver a Tenancy Training Programme, aimed at anyone who hasn't had a tenancy before, or whose had an unsuccessful one, to ensure they know their rights and responsibilities, and those of landlords.
The charity's Manager, Julie Marshall, said the new role will also involve training to other Housing Matters employees.