17-seater minibus required on Island
An appeal has gone out to Island residents for help with this year's trip to the Island by children from Chernobyl.
The charity "Friends of Chernobyl's Children" has been bringing groups of children over here for years to help them recuperate from the poisoned environment they live in, following the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.
However whilst all the flights to the Island for the children are booked this year - they've run into problems with transport ON the Island during their stay . . . and don't have a minibus.
Chairman and co-ordinator of the Friends, Norman Rivers, says unfortunately they've been let down by a transport provider
The number to ring if you can help Norman and the Friends of Chernobyl's Children with the loan of a minibus is 625 926 . . or email normanrivers@manx.net