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Health committee member resigns over 'toxic and adversarial atmosphere'

Body's vice-chair says minister's behaviour has left a 'very sour taste' with committee

A row between a committee that oversees the health department's work and the health minister has left a 'very sour taste', according to a member who's resigned from the body.

Vice-chair of the Health Services Consultative Committee Annette Baker says she's given her notice due to the 'toxic and adversarial atmosphere created by the current minister'.

Earlier this year, Lawrie Hooper criticised the panel's annual report, while the committee's former chairman has accused the minister of subjecting members to an hour-long rant.

Manx Radio previously reported that an investigation is ongoing following allegations of a breach of the ministerial code by the minister, something Mrs Baker references in her resignation letter.

The former Ramsey Grammar School headteacher has served on the HSCC for three years, and says while there have previously been disagreements with health ministers, talks have always been conducted professionally.

Mrs Baker hopes the minister will sit down with the committee to resolve the issues:

You can hear Mrs Baker's full interview with Manx Radio HERE.

Mrs Baker's resignation letter in full:

"I would like to give due notice of my resignation from the Health Services Consultative Committee. I understand that my one months’ notice will be complete on 31st January 2024.
"It has been a privilege to serve on this committee alongside dedicated professionals many of whom, like me, joined with the hope and expectation of using their many years of public service experience to make a positive contribution to the improvement of the island’s health services. 
"Over the past 12 months especially, however, I have found it increasingly impossible to work within the toxic and adversarial atmosphere created in my view by the current Minister for Health and Social Care, an atmosphere which has prevailed especially since he and his Department member took issue with our committee’s annual report and reacted in an entirely inappropriate way at the feedback meeting in June. I await with interest the (due in mid-January 2024) outcome of the investigation initiated by the Chief Minister into the complaint into bullying submitted following that meeting, where members were subjected to a “rant” (the Minister’s own word) from the Minister, as well as being shouted at by his Department member colleague. 

"The Minister and his MLC Department member were particularly scathing of my own observations in the report about the policy and legislation scrutiny area, despite me having completed this using all information available to me as a lay committee member, and having checked my final recommendation with officers of government including the DHSC prior to the report’s publication. It seems that I wasn’t allowed to express a view based on all available information that the pace of legislative change was unduly slow, and that this was holding back the development of health care services on the island. 
"It does not bode well for the future of the health service on the island if the person in the position of political leadership is unable to accept well-intentioned and carefully curated constructive feedback from a publicly appointed committee. Worse than that, it is a matter of serious concern for everyone who lives on this island or is thinking of relocating here that a government Minister chooses to use his position of power to amend regulations anchored in primary legislation without due consideration or consultation as a knee jerk reaction to perceived criticism, and even more sinister than that seeks to discredit and abuse the independent people who dare to challenge him across the media - and even in Tynwald court itself in October 2023. All of this whilst knowing that HSCC members were unable to respond publicly as serving government committee members to defend ourselves.  

"It does not bode well for democracy itself here either if people in the future, having seen how we have been treated, are deterred from volunteering for public service, or even more worryingly from speaking up to question and challenge those in government for fear of bullying and reprisal. 
"It has been uncomfortable and distressing to volunteer in such a toxic environment. It has impacted on my personal life and on my health. I am unwilling to continue to subject myself to this stress in my retirement. I sincerely hope that “lessons are learned” and that changes are made in government which will facilitate the change in culture frequently cited as needed within the Department of Health and Social Care.
"I must emphasise that my comments in no way apply to the many dedicated officers I have worked with in that Department, and indeed within Manx Care during my time of service on the HSCC.  It has been a privilege to work with them, I sincerely hope that they are in future given the kind of  inspirational and transformative political leadership that they so richly deserve."

The Department of Health and Social Care's response to Mrs Baker's comments can be found HERE.

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