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Guilty pleas from drug driver who overturned his car

Officers found 1g of MDMA in his possession

A Castletown man who crashed his car whilst four times over the legal limit for MDMA will be sentenced in June.

Ashley Robert Gardner, of Ronague Road, overturned his car whilst negotiating the right turn at the bottom of Fisher's Hill onto Shore Road in Rushen on 8 July.

Officers found 1g of MDMA - worth £40 - in his possession when responding to the crash.

The 26-year-old also admitted having more than three times the legal limit of the main metabolite of cocaine in his system during an appearance at Douglas Courthouse.

A social enquiry report has been requested before Gardner is sentenced on 18 June; he’s been bailed until that date.


Update: At Douglas Courthouse, on 13 August, Gardener was told he will be sentenced on 3 September. There was no application for bail and he was remanded at the Isle of Man Prison. 

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