Hooper wants Tynwald to take 'robust stance' and adopt new target of 2035
An MHK says government's response to the climate emergency has been 'lacklustre' and shows it is 'not a big priority'.
Lawrie Hooper believes the Chief Minister's aim of a carbon neutral Island by 2050 isn't ambitious enough.
The member for Ramsey is proposing the Isle of Man can fully reduce its carbon emissions by 2035 to coincide with the decommissioning of Pulrose Power Station.
LibVan calls for Carbon Neutrality by 2035 - At this week’s Tynwald LibVan and Ramsey MHK Lawrie Hooper will be asking Tynwald to support the ambitious and achievable aim of the Isle of Man becoming a carbon neutral Island by 2035 https://t.co/7tw8qrzIAi pic.twitter.com/ztGBmh8DQq
— Lawrie Hooper MHK (@LawrieHooper) May 20, 2019
Although he welcomes the emergency declaration, Mr Hooper says it also reveals how the Quayle administration hasn't took the issue seriously enough.