Education of wider population needs to be addressed
Over the past month, government has been hearing from the Isle of Man's trans and non-binary community through a number of gender identity workshops.
The sessions were put on to find gaps in gender services here, and discuss people's experiences.
They were originally planned to take place across the Island, however, most of them were cancelled after those invited said they felt safer attending a meeting with more people.
MHK Joney Faragher says this, in itself, is a sign of how much things need to improve:
Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Social Care is asking for feedback on gender identity services by 20 February.
The department is working with Manx Care to redesign the Island’s gender identity pathway to bring it up to date and in line with best practice.
This will, the DHSC hopes, identify gaps and problems with the current pathway so an accurate picture can be built of where improvements are most needed.
Anyone who would like to take part can request a questionnaire by emailing DHSCengagement@gov.im or calling 695794.
Feedback will be published, anonymously, at the end of March – showcasing the information provided and the topics discussed.
Updates will then be provided as the work to improve services progresses.