£1.5 million facility opens
It's a landmark day for the Manx Breast Cancer Support Group.
From Monday, clinics for the Island's Breast Screening Service will take place at the new purpose-built Breast Unit at Nobles Hospital.
It means that screening, diagnosis, consultations and treatment can now take place in a single location, using brand new state-of-the-art facilities.
The centre has cost just over £1.5 million to build, furnish and equip - with all the money raised by the Manx public and businesses.
An appeal for a dedicated breast unit was launched just two years ago by the Manx Breast Cancer Support Group, whose members are current and former patients.
Chair of the group Julie Stokes says the new unit will bring massive benefits all round: (play audio)
The unit is in the west wing of Noble’s Hospital on the ground floor thought the contact telephone number for the Breast Screening Service remains unchanged, 685339
Appointment letters have been updated to advise attendees of the service’s new location.