Douglas man admits drink-driving
A drink-driver who weaved across Douglas Promenade in the early hours of the morning has been banned from the roads.
Twenty-four-year-old Callum McLean-Anderson of Palace View Terrace in Douglas appeared before High Bailiff Jayne Hughes at Douglas Courthouse.
He admitted one count of drink-driving on 14 November on Queen’s Promenade in Douglas.
Prosecution advocate Rebecca Cubbon told the court police spotted McLean-Anderson at around 3.45am.
Officers stopped him after watching him drive his Audi A4 erratically, swerving from side to side and braking for no reason.
He was taken to police headquarters, where breath-testing equipment showed a result of 89 – the legal limit is 35.
Fining him £1,700, Mrs Hughes said he shouldn’t have been anywhere near a car, let alone drive one.
He was also ordered to pay £125 towards prosecution costs and handed a three-year driving ban with conditions he passes an extended driving test and completes a drink-drive rehabilitation course with the probation service before he can apply for his licence again.