The creamery told the council they wouldn't be putting bins in eastern amenity site
The Isle of Man Creamery has told Douglas Council they will not collect their new tetrapak cartons from the Eastern Civic Amenity Site.
This is despite collecting them from other amenity sites around the Island.
The creamery also said they will not provide the Eastern Civic Amenity Site with a bin for the new milk carton packaging.
At the Douglas Council meeting on 12 October, they were advised that 'they [the creamery] do not wish to place a bin for cartons at the civic amenity site'.
During the meeting, Chair of the Eastern District Civic Amenity Site Joint Committee, Natalie Byron said: "We asked them to just put them back".
The creamery suggested to the Eastern Civic Amenity Site Joint Committee at their last meeting the members have a separate arrangement with their contractor and to meet the cost of the process themselves.
Isle of Man Creamery said: "The Creamery initiated the carton recycling scheme on Island in 2019 after introducing its plant-based milk cartons. The cartons are 100% recyclable but there was no facility on Island to recycle them and it was important to us to be able to close the loop and offer the service to our customers.
"At our own cost we partnered with Tel’s to place recycling points around the Island at convenient locations for our customers to be able to drop their used milk cartons that would then be collected and sent to our recycling partners, Ace UK in Halifax.
"The Eastern point was placed in Tesco car Park as it is a site that is open 24hrs, is free to access and central in Douglas. At present we are not looking to place another site in the East as each site costs us a considerable amount to run and maintain.
"Onchan Commissioners have recently approached us about having additional recycling points throughout the area. The commissioners placed the bins and maintain and empty them and drop the recycling to Tel’s which we then process with the rest of the carton recycling.
"We are happy to talk to any other local authorities that would like to undertake something similar in their area."