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DESC caused 'shock, dismay and outrage' among home educators

Tynwald report raises concerns over drafting of Education Bill

The Department of Education, Sport and Culture antagonised home educators, causing shock, dismay and outrage, while failing to gain the confidence of those working in schools.

That's according to a report by a Tynwald committee looking into the Department's drafting of the Education Bill.

The Social Affairs Policy Review Committee has been examining the way the DESC consulted with the public and drafted the proposals.

It finds plans to introduce the legislation within 12 months were unrealistic, and underestimated the scale and complexity of the task.

Despite two consultations, the report says Education Minister Graham Cregeen failed to gain the confidence of the staff working in the department's schools, and that the consultation process lacked sophistication.

Talks between the department and home educators were judged to have broken down, with proposals under the second consultation causing outrage among those who teach their children at home.

The report concludes there is a case to reform the law regarding home education, but warns any intrusion into family life must be necessary and proportionate.

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