However, the Island has seen a decline in births over the past decade
In less than a year, the number of child day care spaces available on the Isle of Man has fallen by more than 160.
A written Tynwald question from the Speaker of the House of Keys Juan Watterson questioned the Department of Health and Social Care over childcare provision.
There were 1,670 places available in July last year, but as of March this year, the figure stands at 1,508.
In the same time period, childminder positions have also fallen by 58, currently sitting at 315.
In the response, Health Minister Lawrie Hooper notes there's been a fall in the birth rate over the last 10 years.
However, there is still a shortage of places for under twos - currently at 154 - but he says "officers are working with providers to look at sustainable ways to grow provision."
During July 2022's Tynwald sitting, a Childcare Strategy Officers Group was established.
The group consists of officers from the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, the Department of Enterprise, Department of Health and Social Care and Treasury who's job is to 'review actions set out in the childcare strategy'.
They also plan to tackle issues surrounding affordability and accessibility of childcare.