Petitioner calls on gov't to prioritise mental health provision
A local man who lost his brother to suicide is calling for 'wellbeing education' lessons to be compulsory in Island schools.
Karl Staniford's brother Cam died in 2019 at the age of 20.
He's now started a petition, which he's dubbed a 'Cam-pain', calling on government to make mental health provision a priority.
Describing it is a 'wellbeing education revolution' the petition calls for children to be given practical skills which can provide a foundation for dealing with bigger situations later in life.
Karl told Manx Radio that he believes proactive early intervention is needed:
A charity which aims to break the stigma around mental health problems has welcomed the new petition which has already been signed by more than 400 people.
Adam Hudgeon is the founder of REACH:
You can find Karl’s petition HERE or contact REACH by clicking HERE.
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