On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

Busy day for fire services

Crews from all corners of the Island called out

Sunday was a  busy day for fire stations from the North, South, East and West of the Island. 

In addition to a couple of false alarms Douglas crews attended a car fire in Cronk y Berry which had spread to the owner’s house. Thanks to the owner’s quick actions and early 999 call, crews were able to extinguish the fire quickly to prevent it spreading throughout the entire property.

A short time later, Ramsey crews were called to a local park to attend to a child that had become stuck in play equipment. No injuries were reported.

Peel crews were then called into action following reports of a house fire on the promenade. Crews forced entry into an empty property where smoke was found to be coming from a boiler. It was isolated and the area checked for hot spots before the house was ventilated using a positive pressure fan.

Finally, Castletown crews attended reports of a house fire after a heating element in a reptile tank caught fire in the lounge of the property. A smoke alarm alerted the occupant and neighbours to the small fire which was safely dealt with.

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